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Local Boy Scouts Volunteer for Halloween Fun

Eugene, OR.-- We are an organization that thrives because of the kindness of our amazing volunteers and we have missed them terribly during Covid-19. That's why it was such a treat to welcome the Boy Scouts of America Troop 428…

National Housing Day

Eugene, OR.-- November 18th is National Housing Day. On this day especially, we want to call attention to the import role a home plays in any one person's life. Its was something that was very apparent to the mayor of…

New Podcast Takes Deep Dive into Housing Crisis

Eugene, OR--A shortage of affordable housing isn't just a problem we're seeing in  Oregon, California is also feeling the crushing pressure of 150,000 people sleeping on their streets on any given night. From public radio station KQED, based in the…

Stable Homes Help Voting Rates

Eugene, OR-- 2020 has been a packed year. First a global pandemic, then devastating wildfires in our region and now a Presidential Election. The deadline to register to vote, October 13th, already came and went. Now folks all over Oregon…

Meet Our Sponsor: Burley Design

Meet the Presenting Sponsor of our Housing Heroes Extravaganza: Burley Design. They're a family owned company that's been in Eugene for 40 years. Burley Design's Owner and CEO Mike Coughlin is a former Board Member and one of the founding…

Tips to Stay Safe in Wildfire Smoke

According to the Lane Regional Air Protection Agency (LRAPA), Eugene’s Air Quality Index is currently at Hazardous. This means there are pollutants in the air that may cause symptoms like eye, nose and throat irritation. These fine particles (PM2.5) may…

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