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Families need a stable home

44% of families in Lane County are at risk of becoming homeless, but a $30 gift ensures a safe and stable home for one family tonight.

MOD Pizza Fundraising for CCH

Families need a stable home

106,934 families in Lane County are at risk of becoming homeless, but a $25 gift ensures a safe and stable home for one family tonight

Committed to building quality, affordable housing for people living on limited incomes while offering premiere resident services.

What Does Home Mean to You?

A home is where life happens—it’s where we grow and find comfort. A home is more than just a roof over your head; it’s a sanctuary, a place where memories are made, and dreams are nurtured. Whether you’re returning from a long journey or simply seeking solace, a home is where your heart finds rest.


Finding Home: Larry’s Heartwarming Story

Meet Larry, a retired veteran whose life story will move you. After spending many years living on the street, Larry and his wife finally found their sanctuary. Larry’s joy of finally having a home and his newfound purpose for his life is why affordable housing makes a difference in our community.


Housing Heroes Happy Hour – Oct. 9, 2024 –– A Hybrid Event With An In Person Happy Hour Hosted at Ninkasi

CCH’s Affordable Housing

Here are a few of the many benefits of affordable housing

Resident Services: Healthy Homes

Health and Wellness

Health & Wellness

Onsite education, community health workers, and partner programs offer residents the opportunity to access health resources in the community.

Food and Nutrition

Food & Nutrition

Supplementary nutrition for vulnerable families ends hunger in affordable housing communities across Oregon.

Youth Development

Youth Development

Youth programs focus on movement, nutrition and preparing children for a lifetime of success through academic support and fun rewards programs.

adult education

Financial Stability

Community referrals, professional development and tailored support helps families achieve greater stability and success.


Community Development

Enrichment events, community gardens, and volunteer opportunities strengthen community cohesion and increase safety and stability.

Improving Real Lives

Hear Amber’s story.

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