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Impact Childhood Education

Eugene, OR -- “A supportive and stable home environment can complement the efforts of educators, leading to improved student achievement. Affordable housing may foster the educational success of low-income children by supporting family financial stability, reducing mobility, providing safe, nurturing…

Seniors Antique to Get Motivated

Eugene, OR.-- One of the highlights of our job is to see residents get outside and create friendships. A recent trip to historic Downtown Coburg to go antiquing was a great opportunity to get some fresh air and some good…

Meet Our Sponsor: Burley Design

Meet the Presenting Sponsor of our Housing Heroes Extravaganza: Burley Design. They're a family owned company that's been in Eugene for 40 years. Burley Design's Owner and CEO Mike Coughlin is a former Board Member and one of the founding…

Staff Highlight Video: Gina

Meet Gina Paoletto! She has been a member of Cornerstone's Resident Services team for about a year. Before coming to Cornerstone, she has years of experience supporting at-risk families and connecting them to vital resources in our community. Right now…

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