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Stable Homes Help Voting Rates

Eugene, OR-- 2020 has been a packed year. First a global pandemic, then devastating wildfires in our region and now a Presidential Election. The deadline to register to vote, October 13th, already came and went. Now folks all over Oregon…

Staff Highlight: Amy Cubbage

Meet Amy Cubbage! She's been on Cornerstone's team as the Director of Real Estate, Asset Management for four years. You might also recognize her if you took one of her nonprofit management classes at the U of O, where she…

Safe Halloween fun during Covid-19

Eugene, Ore.- We know Covid-19 has wrecked havoc on many people's plans in 2020. One of those events that may look different this year is Halloween. But just because we need to remain safe and vigilant about Covid-19 doesn't mean…

Meet our Sponsor: Oregon Pacific Bank

Meet our sponsor Oregon Pacific Bank! They've been a fantastic community partner and supporter of Cornerstone for a while. Their team understands the vital role a home plays in the future success of a family or individual and therefore the…

Tips to Stay Safe in Wildfire Smoke

According to the Lane Regional Air Protection Agency (LRAPA), Eugene’s Air Quality Index is currently at Hazardous. This means there are pollutants in the air that may cause symptoms like eye, nose and throat irritation. These fine particles (PM2.5) may…

Staff Highlight: Michelle

Meet Michelle! A veteran on the team, she's been with Cornerstone for 16 years. She has worn many hats over the years, starting as a receptionist and is now the Chief Operating Officer. She says one of things she's most…

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