The latest year-end fundraiser by Down To Earth has been spectacular, with $10,442.00 raised in…
Meet Gina Paoletto! She has been a member of Cornerstone’s Resident Services team for about a year. Before coming to Cornerstone, she has years of experience supporting at-risk families and connecting them to vital resources in our community.
Right now she runs the “Coffee Connections” group for women and mothers to connect and support each other. She also runs the “Walk it Off” women’s group and the “Active Kids” program.
“We talk about everything. We talk about parenting. We talk about struggles in day to day life. Our dreams. Things that maybe didn’t work out. Just kind of laugh sometimes”–Gina Paoletto.
During Covid-19 Gina has worked really hard to keep the residents in her groups connected. Her “Coffee Connections” group now meets once a week online via Zoom.
When Gina’s not working, she loves spending time with her two teenage daughters.