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It’s #GivingTuesday and we’re grateful for YOU!

It’s #Givingtuesday but we want to take the opportunity to give YOU gratitude for all you do for us 365 days a year. 2020 has not been easy for anyone but you have continued to support hard working families, seniors and people with disabilities. It’s not just a home that you help provide, it’s everything that can be built when a stable foundation is in place.
2020 has not only ushered in a global pandemic but devastating wildfires that ravaged parts of our Oregon communities. We are never surprised by the outpouring of support to those in need. You inspire our work everyday by your dedication to help your neighbors, colleagues, friends, family and even total strangers.
If we are taking anything from this year, it’s that kindness never wavers, even in the face of extreme adversity. When people lost their jobs due to Coronavirus shutdowns, you donated money, food and supplies. When supplies were scarce at local stores, you shared what you had. When spirits were down, you shared an inspiring story on social media. When wildfires broke out and forced people to flee from their homes, you showed up in the hundreds to volunteer and donate. 
We don’t know what 2021 will bring but we know we’ll be fine because we have YOU in our corner. Thank you for all you do, each and every day of the year. 
Donate this #GivingTuesday click here.


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