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Investing in Our Neighbors: The Power of Affordable Housing

Who lives in affordable housing? Your neighbors, colleagues, and essential workers who keep our community running. They include:

The preschool teacher nurturing our children

Preschool teacher in the classroom

The CNA caring for our beloved elderly

CNA caring for the elderly

The security officer keeping us safe

Security officer on duty

The barista brewing our morning coffee

A barista smiling with a cup of coffee

These individuals, earning between $13.50 and $24.55 per hour, often struggle to find housing in a competitive market.

Cornerstone Communities: 30+ Years of Impact – Since 1992, we’ve been committed to creating affordable homes.

336 Units Across 8 Communities in Lane County
336 units across 8 communities in Lane County
327 Affordable Units for Those At or Below 60% AMI
327 affordable units for those at or below 60% AMI
Upcoming Projects to Add 75 More Affordable Homes
Alma Apartment in Springfield

Beyond Housing: Building Thriving Communities

We don’t just provide roofs over heads. Our approach includes:

Resident Services:
Tailored programs through our Healthy Homes initiative to all residents

Healthy Homes Logo

Collaborating with local organizations to support vulnerable populations

Dentist examining a resident

Long-Term Stability:
No arbitrary time limits on residency, allowing families to build roots and thrive

Happy family sitting in a couch
The Ripple Effect of Your Support...

When you invest in affordable housing, you’re investing in:

  • Economic stability: Affordable rent allows residents to save, pursue education, and contribute to the local economy
  • Health and well-being: Safe, stable housing is linked to better physical and mental health outcomes
  • Community strength: Diverse, inclusive neighborhoods create vibrant, resilient communitie

Your support can change lives and strengthen our community.

  • Donate: Every dollar helps us create more affordable homes
  • Advocate: Support local policies that prioritize affordable housing
  • Volunteer: Lend your skills to our communities or upcoming projects
  • Spread the word: Share our mission with your network


Together, we can build a legacy of service, resilience, and positive transformation for generations to come in Lane County.
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