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Cornertone Community Housing - Your Connection

Meet Larry

Your Support Makes His Journey Possible!

Retired veteran Larry’s story shows how important community and affordable housing can be. Larry used to live in small, crowded spaces with different roommates all the time. But everything changed when he and his wife found a place they could finally call their own.

For years, Larry and his wife lived in a one-bedroom apartment that was more like a revolving door, with roommates coming and going.

“I didn’t want roommates; I wanted it to be just us,” Larry shares.

It was his dream to open his door one day and see only the faces of his family, a dream that often felt too far out of reach.

Larry was lucky to find what he’d been dreaming of when he moved into Merlo Station. Here, Larry found peace and privacy, along with a welcoming community that he quickly grew to love. His dream finally came true—being able to open his door and see only his family.

Larry’s luck didn’t end there!  Katie Lapka, Larry’s Cornerstone Resident Services Coordinator, is like a lifeline for Larry and his wife. Her job is to make sure people like Larry get everything they need, whether it’s help with grocery costs or finding local health and wellness services.

Katie explains, “It’s about making sure they know they’re not alone. That’s a big part of my job, and seeing the relief on their faces is the best reward.”

Since moving to affordable housing, Larry’s life has been full of new beginnings. No longer wrestling with the insecurity of shared living, he now spends his days volunteering and bonding with neighbors. “I love it here,” Larry beams. “It feels like we’re part of something special. This is our home now.”

Because of friends like you, Larry has found not just a stable home; but a place to truly thrive.

Larry in front of his home


Housing Heroes Happy Hour 2024 Event Invitation
Bowl-A-Rama Event for CCH

OMA: Bowl-A-Rama for a Good Cause

Strikes and Socks!

The Bowl-A-Rama event, hosted by the Oregon Mortgage Association, was an absolute blast! The air was electric with energy, laughter, and the spirit of giving. Bowling enthusiasts and cheerful supporters filled every lane, making the alley buzz with excitement.

But it wasn’t just about strikes and knocking down pins, it was also an evening complete with mouth-watering appetizers that everyone loved.

And let’s not forget the sock drive! Our generous participants went above and beyond, donating an impressive number of socks to keep those in need warm and cozy. What a fantastic show of community spirit!

This festive gathering wasn’t just about fun and games; it was all about making a difference. Every strike thrown and every sock donated went towards supporting the incredible work of Cornerstone Community Housing. And let’s not forget the thrilling raffle that wrapped up the night, with beautifully wrapped prizes adding a cherry on top of an already exciting evening.

A HUGE thank you to the Oregon Mortgage Association and all the wonderful community members who made this event a striking success. Your amazing support is making a real difference in our mission to provide affordable housing. We couldn’t do it without you. Thank you for your commitment and generosity!

The Food Pantry

Stocked Shelves at the Food Pantry

Your Generosity Fills Shelves AND Hearts!

With help from our generous friends, we have great news about our amazing food pantry, which is a big help for Healthy Homes residents. Every 2nd and 4th Monday, our pantry doors swing open, offering all kinds of goodies. This means Cornerstone residents can get fresh bread, canned foods, dairy products, fruits and veggies, proteins, and hearty staples like pasta and rice. And don’t forget the drinks and snacks!

This treasure of food is a big help for those on tight budgets, providing essential groceries and peace of mind.

Tylor, our amazing Resident Services Coordinator, is the heart and soul of our pantry. He’s not just a manager; he’s a community builder. Tylor knows everyone by name, and everyone knows him! He’s always ready with a smile, a kind word, and cooking tips to help residents whip up nutritious and tasty meals. This personal touch transforms pantry visits into moments of connection and support.

We couldn’t do any of this without the incredible support of people like you and our partner Food for Lane County. Because of your generosity, our shelves and hearts are filled.

Exploring Mr. Pisgah

A Day of Discovery at Mt. Pisgah!

Lush Habitats and Stunning Views

With your generosity, Cornerstone residents had an incredible day at Mt. Pisgah in Eugene, Oregon! This beautiful spot is home to a rich variety of plants and small wildlife. As they trekked up the trails, residents marveled at the lush habitats and stunning views, often pausing to snap photos of the scenic beauty around them.

Hikes like these are important for residents to build a strong, positive community with each other.

During the hike, they enjoyed engaging conversations and even had an impromptu photo session. As they walked, residents admired the rich habitats and stunning views, often pausing to capture the beautiful scenery with their cameras.

After their trek, the group enjoyed a lovely picnic beneath the sheltering branches of a large tree. The tasty light lunch was a perfect conclusion to their day of exploration.

Thank you for your continued support, which made this adventure possible!

Letters from home logo

Dear Cornerstone Community Housing & Friends,

“I have lived at Willakenzie Crossing for over 8 years now, in that time my kids graduated college. If we didn’t live here, my kids would not have been able to afford to graduate. Before coming here, we couched-surfed and lived in our car. I am thankful for my home.”


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