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The Census Bureau just released their New Household Pulse Survey this month and it’s painting a grim picture for many low-income Americans. According to their findings, of people who make less than $25k and experienced job loss, half said they had no idea where their next month’s rent or mortgage payment would come from. By comparison, only 8.4% of Americans who make over $100k said the same thing.

With the economic stain, comes that added mental strain. For adults who make less than $25k, almost 42% said they couldn’t stop worrying “more than half of the days” or “nearly every day” in the past week. Meanwhile only 19.5% of adults with an income of $100k said the same thing.

During this time, your donations have continued to allow us to provide high quality affordable housing to hundreds in our community. Your kindness has also enabled us to continue providing some of our Healthy Homes programs. One of those programs is a virtual “Coffee Chat.” It’s designed to give parents a place to decompress and release stress. We are also continuing to deliver food bags and will resume our “Extra Helping” program this month.

Press the donate button if you would like to help us continue serving low-income families.

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