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From homeless to housed, Lucas now has stability.

Eugene, OR — Affordable housing has made all the difference in Lucas’ life. Without your help he would still be homeless and struggling with addiction. Lucas’ journey started on the streets. With nowhere to go, he found himself homeless, turning to local shelters and temporary housing just to get by. His daily fight to find a safe place to stay, to take care of his hygiene, or to get a warm meal, affected his mental health. Eventually he was self- medicating to ease his pain.

After years of instability, he finally found a solution: affordable housing. Having a stable place to lay his head each night has helped Lucas walk a straight path,discover his sobriety, and live a life he is proud of. “I got through the hard times, now I am here,” said Lucas, who now is able to hold down a job and is working hard to pursue a healthy life for himself. “It makes me feel good that I can actually pay for my apartment and utilities, and still have money to live my life.”

The road to living in stable housing hasn’t been easy, but Lucas is grateful to be where he is now. When individuals like Lucas don’t have to worry about where they will sleep each night, they can focus on other aspects of their life and improve their well- being. Your support makes this possible. Thank you!

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*Name and image have been altered to protect the identity of the individual.

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